Rotary Meeting Etiquette

What do you do if you must leave a meeting early?
Please make every effort to attend every meeting in its entirety.  However, if you must leave early, please adhere to the following proper Rotary procedure:


  1. Find out who the speaker for the day is and personally introduce and excuse yourself to the speaker prior to the start of the meeting.
  2. Leave immediately following the business portion of the meeting and prior to the start of the speaker's presentation.
  3. Sit in the rear near the exit so as to cause as little disturbance as possible when you depart.
  4. Above all, please try to arrange your schedule so you do not have to miss any of the meeting, particularly the program.  Part of the criteria of becoming a Rotarian is to be at such a level in your professional career that you have control of your personal and business schedule.